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Showing posts from September, 2017

Personal Learning Network

   As an aspiring teacher there is a lot to learn for the future, which is why I believe that starting a personal learning network now, in my second year in college, is a great idea. A personal learning network is a group in which there is a learner reaching out to others with the intent of learning and gaining more knowledge. If the personal learning network is intact, knowledge will be gained because of that network. Throughout this project I have created a personal learning network through Twitter and Pinterest.        During the process of starting my own personal learning network on Twitter I was nervous, yet excited. I was hesitant at first because I did not know what to expect or even what to tweet. As I began following teachers and technology professionals I started to see what professionals were tweeting, and it sparked my interest as well as questions. I followed Treva Hammond, who is a teacher as well as a literacy specialist and she tweeted a picture about how the love of